ALIBI - Mr. Beedie

Inspector: "I hear that you walked home with Colonel Townsend last night from the chess club, Vicar."

Inspector: "You were a good friend of the Colonel?" Inspector: "And you have no idea who might have wanted to kill him? You knew him well, you say. There was nothing he ever said to you ... ?" They go into the hall. Taking his coat from the hall-stand, the Inspector noticed something that attracted his attention. A brown leather glove. The same was found near the murdered Colonel.

Inspector: "A fine quality glove, Vicar."

The Inspector took out the glove he had in his pocket and the vicar looked at it in surprise. Inspector: "It was found by Colonel Townsend's body. Isuppose you have no idea?" Inspector: "JOKE???" Inspector: "And did you kill him, Vicar?" Inspector: "Thank you for answering my questions."
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ali-bee.htm/dead-end (c) Gerdzen 1997 1998